Tar-ya's VR Apps

English follows Japanese.

魔法でおえかき - Magical Doodle

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  1. 描画: 人差し指を伸ばし、親指を開くと描画開始。親指を閉じると停止
  2. パレットを開く: 手を顔に向けてグー→パレット表示、パー→パレット閉
  3. 描画アンドゥ: 両手の人差し指でバッテンを作る
  4. 描画クリア: 両手を合わせて2秒ほど待つ
  5. 絵の位置・角度調整: 親指と中指のピンチ操作
  6. 絵魔法切替: 両手の人差し指の先同士をちょんとくっつける
  7. 絵魔法使用(正): 指先を上に向けてくっつけ→外に離す
  8. 絵魔法使用(逆): 指先を下に向けてくっつけ→外に離す
  9. メニューを開く/閉じる: 左手の親指と人差し指でわっかを作る
  10. アプリ終了: Questのアプリメニューから終了


パス: \Android\data\com.tarya.arstargraffiti.quest\files
ファイル名: Draw00??.magicaldoodle (?? は01~10)

Sound Design & Sound Programing by AT-Music

Magical Doodle (English)

Manipulate the light flowing from your fingertips and draw in the air. With a wave of your hands like a conductor, the drawings come to life... This MR/VR app brings you magical drawing moments.


How to Operate

Learn operations in the tutorial at first launch.
* To redo the tutorial, make a circle with your thumb and index finger on your left hand and select the "?" icon.

  1. Drawing: Extend your index finger, open your thumb to draw, close thumb to stop.
  2. Open Palette: Face your hand toward you; make a fist (open), spread fingers (close).
  3. Undo: Cross both index fingers to form an "X".
  4. Clear: Put your hands together for about 2 seconds.
  5. Adjust Position/Angle: Pinch with thumb and middle finger.
  6. Switch Magic Effects: Touch both index fingers together. Symbol indicates the magic type.
  7. Use Magic (Normal): Fingers up, touch tips, pull apart.
  8. Use Magic (Reverse): Fingers down, touch tips, pull apart.
  9. Open/Close Menu: Make a circle with your thumb and index finger on your left hand.
  10. Exit App: From the Quest app menu.

Backup & Sharing Drawing Data

From Version 2.60, data is saved in internal storage.
Path: \Android\data\com.tarya.arstargraffiti.quest\files
File name: Draw00??.magicaldoodle (?? = 01-10)
You can back up more than 10 data files. If you share them by email, the position won't be restored, so please adjust manually.

Sound Design & Sound Programing by AT-Music

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